(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Going forward this week we enter a new year, and for many of us a new chance to achieve our goals. I believe that our perceptions contribute a great deal when it comes to our achieving our goals, and in this case, I’m referring to our perceptions and goals about exercise, food, dieting, and the change process itself. I often find that our ability to change is hampered by our perceptions (and my own too, of course). 2011 is upon us bringing us an opportunity for a new start, so let’s re-take a look at what I consider, change- altering perceptions even before we make our resolutions!
“Health & Fitness” is a pretty broad category that covers our physical, mental and emotional well- being. After all, can we really consider any of these components separately as if they don’t affect each other? Here are a few questions I think we can ask ourselves about our perceptions which might change our focus on how we view food, exercise, and the change process in general.
Do we use the “Anti-aging Magic of Exercise”? Exercise is one of the biggest anti-aging tools that we have. It contributes to our health, physical appearance, functional ability, mental ability and emotional well being. And it’s natural! Can we increase our daily activity even just a little? Let’s make exercise a priority regardless of our fitness ability. Let’s get up and move, even if we’ve been the biggest couch potato. We can move around more now. Exercise really is Magic!
Do we use the ” Disease Fighting Power of Foods”? All year we looked at Mother Nature’s arsenal of drugs (yes I said drugs!) found in fruits, vegetables and grains, known as vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. We also discussed the many benefits of certain fats, the Omega’s (yes, the good fats!). Have we focused on this disease fighting aspect of food in the past year when we chose foods? Did we try to eat more of these foods for our health more often (Did we focus on eating these foods for health, and disease prevention versus our weight?)? If not, we can now. Foods really are powerful!
Do we use “Food as Energizing Fuel”? How often did we choose foods for our meals and snacks to enhance our energy? How we function physically and mentally (food affects our mood) can be greatly affected by our choice of foods. High junk sugar foods and drinks such as soda can play havoc with our energy and mood versus the healthier choices we know we should take the time to make. If not, we can now and let’s start with breakfast (High fiber cereal everyone?). Food is Fuel!
Do we practice using “Healthy Coping Tools” for stress management? Do we eat too much, drink too much or smoke as a way of coping with stressful situations? When we use healthy coping tools more often than not, which don’t have negative consequences short or long term, we can feel physically better, emotionally better, cope better, and be healthier. If not, we can now. All win-win! Manage the Healthy way!
Do we have “Realistic Expectations for Change”? Do we expect too much too soon from ourselves when we try to make or break habits, or do we act on the view of “all or nothing”? Success starts with small changes. This is particularly true for making “lifestyle changes”. Did we and do we, try to tackle too much too soon only to give up? If we did, we can be more realistic now. Start Small!
Do we view change as What we are Giving up? Do we view giving up something as “giving up” something rather than gaining something? For example, do we see giving up our favorite fattening bagel and cream cheese as depriving ourselves rather than achieving a weight loss goal? Okay, I know this is the half empty glass vs. half full, but I think there’s truth in it and how we perceive things. How about you?
Our health & fitness goals are within our reach, we just may need to change our perceptions! Enjoying my tips? Send my tips to friends, and get a start with a new year weight loss goal with my book, and complementary screen saver program! I tell my own personal story. Here’s the link to Amazon, http://www.amazon.com:80/Its-Not-Diet-Creative-Eating/dp/1432743597/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259605985&sr=1-1
Follow me Junefit on Twitter every Sunday for a new weight loss tool taken from my book, and follow my blogs at Voskos Greek Yogurt with “Holiday Trade-Off”! Go to http://www.voskos.com/fresh/
Check out this site http://www.caloriecontrol.org/exercalc.html to calculate approximately, how many calories you can burn for lot’s of activities!
Here’s to Our Health & Fitness in the New Year!
June M. Lay M.S.
Junefit is included in Google’s top ranked women’s health resources, scroll midway http://directory.google.com/Top/Health/Women’s_Health/Resources/
Junefit is Lifestyle Columnist www.Healthnewsdigest.com
(c) Junefit, 2010
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