(HealthNewsDigest.com) – If 2011 incluDes weight-loss surgery consideration, bariatric experts at UT Southwestern Medical Center say that achieving lifelong results requires life-changing behavior and life-long attention to care.
“The decision to have a weight-loss operation should be made carefully with a full understanding of the risks and benefits of the procedure,” says Dr. Edward Livingston, director of the Center for the Surgical Management of Obesity and chief of gastrointestinal surgery at UT Southwestern. “Those comfortable with the decision of surgery also need to commit to dietary changes imposed by the procedure, understand that regular exercise is essential for any weight loss program, and commit to life-long follow-up with your surgeon.”
UT Southwestern surgeons have experience with a variety of bariatric procedures, but prefer the gastric bypass, also known as RYGB, and the Lap Band. Gastric bypass procedures, for example, have been performed for more than 25 years, with average initial weight loss exceeding 70 percent of excess weight, while long-term studies demonstrate that 50 percent of the weight lost is maintained by more than 90 percent of patients.
People who make the post-op commitment will not only experience more optimal weight loss results, but also may find many associated medical problems will resolve or improve. With gastric by-bass procedures, for example, adult-onset diabetes mellitus improves in more than 90 percent of patients, with 80 percent becoming medicine-free, including insulin. Improvements in hypertension and high cholesterol may occur, and improvement or resolution of respiratory problems such as obstructive sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and asthma are seen in most patients. GERD or gastroesophageal reflux is frequently cured immediately and others see improvements in mobility and joint pain, leg swelling as well as venous stasis disease, urinary incontinence, and headaches.
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