YOUR BEST BODY NOW: LOOK FABULOUS AT ANY AGE THE EAT-CLEAN WAY (Harlequin; October 2010; $19.95 U.S./$22.95 CAN)
( – Not your typical one size fit all program. The book offers guidelines to age-proofing your body decade by decade and focuses on women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s with fitness demonstrations for the home and gym, nutrition and diet advice, beauty tips, motivation and inspiration tips to help keep readers on track with over 30 recipes. Another great feature is the mini road blocks that follow each section, with tips to overcome obstacles such as: I don’t know how to exercise or I can’t afford a gym me membership; I’m not a big breakfast person; I have an insatiable sweet tooth or my job requires me to eat out a lot. She also provide motivational tips to stay on track ranging from implementing a lifestyle change to how to avoid failure.
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