(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Your brain is the driving force behind your body’s ability to function properly. It’s the powerhouse of the body, and every action starts in the brain. Since we are talking about the power center of the body, we need to know how to keep it healthy. That’s why we put together these 6 tips on how to keep your brain sharp without anything special. These 6 natural tips gathered from neuro experts like NeuroGrow will keep your brain happy and healthy without needing anything special to do so.
Drink Water
Water is extremely important. It’s a well-known fact that our body is made up of about 60% water, so drinking water is essential. This fact is even more true for your brain, as it’s made up of about 73% water. That means drinking water keeps your whole system hydrated, and that will increase your brain’s ability to function at peak performance.
Eat Fish and Leafy Greens
Oily fish is a great addition to any diet, especially if your goal is to improve the health of your brain. The omega-3s in oily fish are like brain food. They help improve the function in the human brain, and they are even said to be effective for Alzheimer’s patients.
Leafy greens are another great part of any diet. Greens like Arugula, Collard Greens, Kayle, and Spinich have shown to be a great addition to any diet, and they help keep your brain nice and sharp. If you having issues incorporating them into your diet, you can use them as substitutes for other items. Instead of using a tortilla wrap, you can use collard greens or swiss chard to wrap up your favorite sandwich toppings. If that is too much, try adding them into smoothies for a masked approach to adding leafy greens in your diet.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping is extremely important for Humans. It’s our time to recharge and relax through the night. So, how much sleep do you need? Typically, most humans want to complete 4 REM cycles to get the best sleep. It takes roughly 30 minutes to enter the REM state, and the cycles last about an hour an a half. That’s why that 7-hour mark is generally accepted as the right amount of sleep. The first two cycles help you get back to that 80% charge point, the other two are topping off the tank.
Constructive Conversation
Conversations are a great way to stay on top of your brain health. The active action of conversation helps the brain stay active and adapt to the situations at hand. Understanding who you are talking about, how it relates to the conversation, and where it will take you as you continue to talk all have a profound effect on the brain. These items continuously trigger the electrical pathways, and that helps your brain stay healthy and active.
Conversations are great to help people suffering from brain issues like Alzheimer’s disease too. If you are trying to talk to your loved one who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, remember to take it slow. Try to stick to one topic at a time until the acknowledge that they have understood what you are talking about. If you overload your loved one with too many questions at once, they might get frustrated with the situation. Take it slow, it’s still extremely helpful for your loved one.
Play Games
Playing games is yet another great way to keep your brain active and healthy, but you have to play specific types of games. Games that require strategy, memory, and adaptation are the best ones to play for your brain health. These activities activate different parts of the brain, and keep the pathways between those parts of the brain healthy and active. They are basically brain exercises.
One of the best games you can play for the health of your brain is chess. This amazing game places a set of rules around a specific piece. Understanding how each piece can and can’t move is an exercise for your memory. The next reason chess is so amazing is the need for strategy. You want to go into the game with a basic gameplan for winning the game. That means creating plays and strategies to get you to your victory. The final exercise that chess provides the brain is through adaptation. As your opponent plays the game with you, their moves will ultimately put a damper on your strategy in one way or another. That means you have to actively adapt your strategy to what you have and what they have. The better you adapt, the more likely you are to win the game.
Train Your Brain
Your brain is the most vital part of the body. If it starts to slip, you might not be able to think like you used too. The brain is a very use it or lose it organ, so you need to make sure you are using it. Using your brain keeps the pathways between the sections of your brain open and active.
When you pair these simple brain health tips with brain exercises, you’re actively striving to keep your brain happy and healthy.