(HealthNewsDigest.com) – It’s a New Year, 2012 (Oh my!) and as in the past, losing weight, increasing our fitness and eating healthier make up the top New Year Resolution’s list. All of these include making new habits, and/or changing old ones; not something that is easy to do. But the old saying practice makes perfect is almost true (We’re NOT striving for perfection). And in my opinion, practice does make new habits, and it also helps us to change or break old ones. Becoming more fit, losing weight, or just changing our eating habits does require practice just like all other habits. Here’s something I wrote years ago that I coined “Living Fit”.
Living Fit
Whether we exercise or not is a habit.
The way we eat is a habit.
The way we think is a habit.
The process of change can be difficult for most of us, even if the habit we want to change appears simple.
But, habits can be changed.
Old habits can be broken.
New habits can be made.
Being fit is usually associated with the fitness of the body, but being fit also applies to our mind, something I address in “Living Fit”. Being physically fit includes healthy eating, a healthy weight range, exercise and making our health a priority, all habits. The way we think affects the way we behave, feel and hence think, behave and feel. Sound circular? It is, and I do address the way we think and the way we behave interrelated as habits.
I wrote “Living Fit” a long time ago when I first started to counsel clients. I learned through my own struggles with change (I struggled too years ago with losing weight) and through others’ struggles that permanent change is possible. When we seek to lose weight, we need to change more than the foods we eat; many times we need to change a whole lifestyle.
Sometimes we need to eat out less and cook at home more often, which means additional food shopping. This means making a list, making the time to shop, and making the time to cook, We haven’t even touched upon finding new foods, new recipes, new cooking utensils, nor does it include changing our food tastes, and on and on. Many times we need to change other habits such as the route we take each day to avoid our favorite muffin store. We may need to make more time to exercise, to practice learning to eat healthier leaner foods, and in many cases, we need to learn and practice new coping tools when we use food to “Feed Our Soul” (Another tip of mine).
One funny thing about making new habits and changing old ones, they take hold with every tiny success, so I hope in this new year, we will all give some thought to how this fits with each of our personal goals. I did, still do, and I hope you will too. One day at a time, one tip at a time.
Want help with your exercise and weight goals? Contact us for information on the new “10-week Personalized Get- in- Shape” Programs by emailing me or go http://www.junefit.com/serviceshp.htm Offered also are “Personal Exercise Only” Programs smartly designed to strengthen, condition, increase flexibility, and more with Ed Irace! Services provided in NYC, and nationally through Skype web service, email and phone when appropriate.
Here’s to a healthy, happy New Year !
June M. Lay M.S.
Enjoying my tips? Get a head start thinking about a New Year weight loss goal with my book. Here’s the link to Amazon, http://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Diet-Creative-Eating/dp/1432743597/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325335113&sr=8-1
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