(HealthNewsDigest.com) – SAN DIEGO, Calif. — It redefines grocery shopping, clears out clutter in the home and tackles the problem of single-use plastic bag waste.
Lotus Trolley Bag is a reusable and reliable system, while protecting the environment and saving shoppers money and time. The Lotus Trolley Bag is a set of four reusable bags that are easy to carry and designed to spread out accordion-style along the top of a customer’s shopping cart.
Each bag holds up to 70 pounds, is convenient to store, reduces checkout wait times and promotes sustainable living. Every day more consumers are turning to easy-to-use eco-friendly products such as the Lotus Trolley Bag to eliminate clutter, trash and benefit the environment.
“The product has struck a chord with shoppers who share a common frustration of too many plastic bags, a lack of organization and longer checkout times,” said Jennifer Duvall, co-founder of Lotus Trolley Bags. “Our bag simplifies and streamlines the process and customers have responded.”
The average American family uses 1,500 plastic bags a year, and this husband and wife team’s goal is to save millions of plastic bags with one simple change.
The bags allow the customer to pack and sort groceries in the cart, making shopping simpler and faster. The product has quickly become a bestseller online and is also available through its website LotusTrolleyBag.com.
Varying in sizes, the largest is an insulated cooler bag that keeps frozen products cold for up to four hours. Lotus Trolley Bags also have a patented built in compartment specifically for fragile items such as eggs and bottles.
In addition, the company is bringing out its line of Lotus Produce Bags later this year, designed for easy storage of fruits and vegetables.
“We have been blown away by the amazing response and reaction from our customers throughout the U.S.,” said Farzan Dehmoubed, co-founder of Lotus Trolley Bags. “It has been so exciting to see the product sell out three times in the past six months. We’ve had demand from 14 different countries and are now looking to raise funding to expand the concept internationally”