These are hot topics in today’s culture. In 2015, the global antiaging industry was worth an estimated 140.3 billion US dollars. If it continues to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5–7.8%, it’s projected to increase to 191.7 billion dollars by 2019. As of 2016, cosmetics were a 62-billion-dollar industry in the US, and antiaging products were the second-largest skincare category in 2013. With media driving the market value, it’s small wonder that the US cosmetic industry is one of the largest in the world. What may come as a surprise is that the modern preoccupation with youth and beauty is not a new phenomenon.
The ancient Greek poet Homer (c. 900–800 BC) called old age “loathsome,” and popular legend suggests that Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) may have relaxed his ambition to dominate the known world long enough to search for a fountain of living water – or at least to express interest in the idea of someone doing it for him. Juan Ponce de León (1460–1521)is famously associated with his quest for the “fountain of youth” on the fabled island of Bimini, which he died believing that he’d located on the peninsula of Florida. Predating The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by twelve years, American author Mark Twain (1835–1910) came up with the rather disturbing suggestion that “life would be infinitely more enjoyable” if we could begin it at age eighty and work backwards to age eighteen.
Such anecdotes reveal humanity’s fundamental desire for youth, which is often associated with beauty. Most of us realize that we won’t live forever, but that doesn’t stop many of us from trying to prolong it. This might take the form of drugs, diets, exercise, or regular checkups and doctor’s appointments. Some of these measures are beneficial, while others can cause side effects that can be worse than the issues they’re supposed to cure. DuraScience seeks to provide a natural means of preventing and reversing the effects of age by targeting the six areas mentioned above: genetics, stem-cell niche, mitochondrial blend, telomere wealth blend, cell protection blend, and hormonal wealth blend.
Human cells are made up of 23 chromosomes with 6 billion DNA base pairs and 20,000–25,000 genes, which manufacture cellular protein. Genetic mutations can deter the healthy functioning of cells, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. The stem-cell niche resides within the stem cell, which regulates its rest periods and replaces damaged tissues with new cells. Mitochondria are cellular organelles that regulate the cells’ energy, calcium, metabolism, and apoptosis or death. Telomeres are little caps that protect the ends of each DNA strand. They shrink with age, making them useful as a “biological clock.” Stress, unhealthy food, obesity, and an inactive lifestyle have a negative effect on them. Molecules and electrons create the body’s cell protection blend. Free radicals reduce the number of electrons, while antioxidants increase the number of electrons. Too few electrons can lead to diabetes, stroke, and other health issues. The anti-aging hormone and protein known as Klotho is connected to the body’s hormonal wealth blend. Research suggests that the ability to produce, increase, and regulate Klotho could be a future “fountain of youth.”
As scientific research continues to advance cellular theory, DuraScience strives to position CRM at the forefront of the natural health movement so that everyone can enjoy longer life and better health.