(HealthNewsDigest.com)-Finding a job can be difficult. But for thousands of wounded soldiers with life-altering injuries from the war, the challenge is even greater. Severe burns, prosthetic limbs and traumatic brain injuries can add formidable obstacles to everything from submitting a résumé to preparing for a job interview. What severely wounded veterans do have on their side is perseverance. And the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2).
AW2 helps severely wounded, injured and ill soldiers, veterans, and their families find a new fulfilling path. As part of its mission to provide personalized support to severely wounded soldiers, veterans, and their families-wherever they are located for as long as it takes-AW2 established a career and education section.
At a recent career expo, AW2 veteran Derek Duplisea shared his story of finding a new path post-injury.
“There is life after being wounded,” Duplisea told the audience. “There are jobs available based on your skills and your will to succeed. You can recover and be a productive member of society.” Duplisea now works for Raytheon and runs the company’s Operation Phoenix wounded warrior hiring program.
AW2 has worked with hundreds of severely wounded soldiers, veterans, and their families to access job and educational opportunities. The AW2 Career and Education Section works with employers as well to help them understand what it means to hire a wounded warrior.
“Our wounded soldiers have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to share in civilian employment, but employers must first recognize that the injuries our soldiers face are both visible and invisible, and sometimes require adaptations to office space or scheduling,” explained AW2 Career and Education Coordinator Rose Marie Tinker.
The most prevalent injury among AW2 soldiers and veterans is post-traumatic stress disorder followed by traumatic brain injuries and amputations.
“It’s sometimes a challenge to find companies that are able to follow through and hire wounded veterans. For those who have, however, it’s been a win-win situation. The employer provides job opportunities and support, and the wounded veterans provide unique capabilities and dedication to their work,” Tinker said.
More than 120 AW2 Advocates provide personalized support to soldiers, veterans, and their families across the country for as long as it takes. This support includes connecting soldiers and families with full benefits, financial counseling, or assistance in continuing to serve in the Army.
Employers interested in hiring severely wounded veterans should contact AW2 at [email protected] or call (800) 237-1336.
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